Tea Study Opportunities
Chado, or the Way of Tea, is an all-encompassing form of artistic expression and appreciation based on a philosophy of beauty, seasonal awareness, and the spirit of Zen. In addition to learning host and guest roles, the study of Chado includes many Japanese traditional arts and crafts, as well as tea cuisine, gardens, clothing and ethics. Chado New Mexico offers its members a wide selection of teachings throughout the year.
Study opportunities are available in Santa Fe, Taos, and Albuquerque. Please contact Chief Administrator here.
Temae (tea-making procedures) Temae study is learning to serve tea to guests. Beginning students start with basic forms such as sitting, standing, and walking, then move on to tea making procedures.
Introductory Course Offered as a series of four weekly classes, this annual course includes an overview of the aesthetics, history and philosophy of Chado, as well as actively studying the protocol for being guests, while enjoying delicious Japanese sweets and bowls of matcha.
Tea Gatherings Chado New Mexico hosts tea gatherings for members throughout the year, ranging from the informal to the elegant. Tea gatherings offer a chance to participate as a tea guest or to serve the gathering in a variety of ways.
Special Study Intensives Chado New Mexico offers intensive study opportunities with both local and visiting tea teachers. Intensives are geared toward those who already have some familiarity with temae, and offer opportunities to move more deeply into the vast world of tea study.
Cooking Hands-on classes are offered in preparing sweets and chakaiseki cuisine (served to guests as part of a tea gathering), both of which are linked to the seasons and special events. Members are provided with recipes and instruction in Japanese cooking techniques and presentation.
Discussions The practice of serving tea to others is complimented with book study and discussions that delve into the underlying philosophy of Chado and Japanese culture.
Presentations Chado New Mexico offers educational presentations to the public, and members are encouraged to learn by assisting with these varied offerings.