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Glenn Sorei Pereira Study Intensive

Wonderful Lovers of Tea!

 We are delighted once again to be hosting a study intensive with Glenn Sorei Sensei of Boston, Massachusetts, who will share his deep knowledge of Chado and lively Tea spirit with us.  In addition to teaching temae, sensei would like to pay close attention to warigeiko (basic forms.)  We will continue our exploration in how "hataraki" influences and guides our Tea study and Tea experience through studying how we can use different spaces, utensils, and seasonal feelings.  

Sensei would also like to discuss how Tea during class/okeiko can differ from Tea outside the classroom/okeiko setting.   Ultimately, as Tea practitioners, we seek to make Tea that takes care of our guests and makes them feel comfortable.  This will be a unique opportunity for all members and our hope is that you will come away from this intensive feeling more inspired to serve Tea to anyone, anywhere.  

Classes will go all day and all members are welcome to attend as much as you would like.  Tea students who wish to study temae with Glenn-sensei are asked to consult with their teachers.  Members who do not wish to study temae will learn how to observe (kengaku) and how to be a guest.  Everyone will get at least one bowl of Tea and sweets!   In the evenings (Saturday & Sunday) Glenn-sensei will be open to your questions about Chado which will lead to lively discussions.  These topics are central to the mission of our organization.  Chado New Mexico will provide snacks and bottled water and we ask that you bring your own lunch and/or dinner.  

Saturday - Kevin Padilla's home 1737 55th Street NW,  Albuquerque, NM  87105  
Sunday - Art Olivas' Tea space  137 Sombrio Road,  Santa Fe, NM 87501

Monday - Teachers class location TBD

Times:  Classes for all members will be held on Saturday and Sunday from 8:45am through the evening.  Breaks for lunch and dinner will be included.  The class for teachers will be held Monday from 8:45am until 12:30pm. 

Fees: Fees for Sat and Sun classes:  $35 for one session, $65 for 1 full day (up to 12 hours!)  $95 for 1.5 days, and $120 for 2 full days.  

Fees for Mon Teachers' class: $35 

Glenn Sensei will offer a Question & Answer session each evening. The fee to attend only the Question & Answer Session is $15.00. This session is included at no extra charge for those attending full-day or half-day sessions.

The Chado NM Scholarship Fund is available to those in need of a little assistance.  We want to make it possible for everyone to attend this truly special event.  Please contact Sakina or Kathy (CNM Scholarship Committee) for more information about scholarships. ( +

Registration: Please contact Kevin at  or
505-839-2422 by October 22, 2018.  OR CONTACT KEVIN BY CLICKING HERE.

A non-refundable $35 deposit will be required when you register.

If we examine the phrase "Peace through a Bowl of Tea," we can see how the practice of Tea is not just about doing the form.  The practice itself can be transformative.  We invite you to join us as we delve deep into Chado and in so doing, open doorways to a broader understanding of the larger world around us.  We look forward to sharing the Tea space with you soon!

Later Event: November 11