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Robiraki: The Opening of the Winter Hearth

Location:  The von Briesen's home, 208 Sereno Dr., Santa Fe, NM

Reservations needed: members may bring a friend.  Cost $15.00 per person

Three seatings: 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM

Come celebrate Robiraki, the opening of the winter sunken hearth, and gather around the first charcoal fire of the season with new and old friends.  Robiraki is considered the tea person's New Year since it is a time to taste the year's new tea; and it starts the winter cycle in the tea room.  Zenzai, a special warm sweet for this auspicious occasion, will be served along with bowls of usucha (thin tea.)  Members may bring a friend, and previous guest training is not needed.  

This year's Robiraki is dedicated to fostering world peace, with a special traveling scroll. Please join us for this unique celebration!

Click here to register online for the 11:00 AM seating

Click here to register online for the 1:00 PM seating

Click here to register online for the 3:00 PM seating

Click here to register for any seating and pay by check